Friday, July 11, 2014

Baby Owls and Introducing the Girls to a New Puppy

At the beginning of the week while outside one evening I got something out of the side of my eye flying swiftly along the ground of the wooded greenbelt across the road from our RV.  Periodically I caught other movement and couldn't figure out what it was.  It was getting darker so I realized I wasn't going to know what I was seeing.  

The next evening the movement started up again so this time I started to pay attention.  I wondered closer to the area and just stayed still and realized it was an owl.  As I watched I realized there were now two of them and eventually three were out there putting on a show.  They didn't seem put off by humans or dogs.  On the third evening I made a point of getting out there by 8:15 pm and took my little Nikon camera with me.  Wow, what a show.  All three showed up but alas my camera's telephoto just wasn't strong enough to get a great shot.  One of them landed on a tree not too far from us and we got a good look with binoculars.  But it was getting dark. 

Last night I came out with my good camera and telephoto and boy did I get some pics.  This barred owl landed about 20' from me while I sat quietly next to a motorhome in a swing and just looked at me.  Then up into a tree he flew and kept watching me.  These seem to be young barred owls.  I assume they are hunting each evening.

This weekend we were not able to go to Cedar Blue.  John had a nail removed from his big toe so getting into the lake wasn't going to be on the agenda as he certainly didn't want an infection.  Also, our builder was at a point of putting in drywall and flooring in our new room and asked if we could wait until next weekend to go down there.  

So on Friday we headed over to our friend, Priscilla's home.  She has a new puppy (Pippa) that is a morkie like our dogs but a completely different color.  We are going to keep her next weekend so we wanted to introduce our girls and start the process of getting them to like each other.  She is all puppy so April did a lot of snapping at her and Bailey just gave her some fierce growls.  It was a sunny, hot day so we got into the pool and just let the girls run around and get used to each other. 

We put Pippa in the pool trying to teach her the way out.  She has some more training to do on that but she loved the pool and climbed out just fine when she did get to the steps.  The water didn't put her off at all and she would just lay down at the edge of the pool and interact with us.  She's just a little lover.  Still trying to get her housebroken though so next weekend we will have to keep our eye on her all the time.

Bailey and April aren't buddies with her yet but they did play chase around the pool a bit.  I got each of our girls in the pool too and they didn't seem nervous about it at all.  They also swam to the steps but weren't interested in hanging out at the edge!  LOL  

I wasn't able to get a good pic of Bailey today.  She was being her willful self. April, on the other hand, posed for a couple of nice shots.  

Priscilla has tons of potted flowers around her pool and they are just beautiful.  

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