John's 60th Birthday
John turned 60 on April 16th! What he asked for was to stay at the Embassy Suites Hotel with our girls (Bailey and April). I couldn't let the 60th go by without a bit more of a celebration, though. So in addition to the weekend at the hotel, I had a party for him. Our dear friend, Priscilla, opened her lovely home for this which was so very kind.
I ordered in Earls BBQ and had a birthday cake and ice cream. Then we all played Catch Phrase which was great fun. The top photo is John with his new scanner. Now we get to hear all that is going on around us!! Oh boy! John also got an Apple TV so the next picture is of him and the girls trying it out at the hotel. It is a pretty neat 'toy' as we can see anything he can see on his IPAD on our TV. Great for showing photos, watching movies and so on.
The last picture is of most of the group playing the game. Although everybody knew somebody at the party I don't think any of them knew all the rest of the group but there was no lack for conversation. You would have thought they all knew each other like old friends.
Our next milestone will be John's retirement.
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